Security Risks: Tips to Protecting Your Online Accounts

In today’s world, you probably have 7,642 passwords for accounts/websites. So when the sites starting asking if you wanted to use your facebook login or google id to login you were like “SURE, one less new password to have”. While it might make it easier it also exposes your security risk. You may now have all these logins open allowing an opportunity for hacks. I hear too many stories of business owners, photographers, and friends who have been hacked and lost access to your accounts. Personally, my family uses the app 1Password to store all our passwords. I’d rather have 7642 passwords then have everything connected to one account. One breach and it’s all over!

Today I will show you how you can check on your security with regards to this topic focusing on Facebook and Google as your logins. This won’t ensure you won’t be hacked, it just gives the hackers fewer opportunities.


Use these steps to see what apps you are connected to. I try to never use Facebook to log into other things. When I first learned about all this a few years ago I had SUUCHH a looooooong list of apps. I deleted them all. As I was writing this blog and checking my list, I see that it is still empty. Glad to know I’m still following my own standards.


Sometimes we are logged into google on different devices and then we upgrade and give that old device to your child or someone else. It’s good to periodically clean up this list: To see where you are logged in follow the steps below. I periodically check this and log out of everything for extra security and then just log in as needed on my PC and my laptop and phone.

Google - check what devices I’m logged in on:

Google - check what apps I’m logged in to:

  1. Go to your Google Account.

  2. On the left navigation panel, select Security .

  3. On the Your devices panel, select Your connection to Third party apps & services.

  4. Go through this list and remove the ones that you are no longer using. Click on the app you want to remove

  5. Scroll down to the bottom and click on delete all connections you have with…

  6. Click confirm.


Unlock Email Success: Learn to Avoid Inbox Spam